#PhilOnPhinance | The Economy Of Likes

#PhilOnPhinance | The Economy Of Likes

Hello fellow strugglers and portfolio managers. It has been a long time since I delivered a #PhilOnPhinance blog post. Ironically this was because I was protesting our nations high internet data tariffs and relegated myself to a life of smoke signals, snail mail and the inhumanity of having to engage in one on one conversations with people. YUCK. But thanks to a grant afforded to me by my blesser in the form of a daily bundle I am back to drop some knowledge and help you traverse these murky markets.

Today I would like to speak to you about a subject that is often discussed in hushed tones and cautious whispers amongst the social media elite - The Economy Of Likes. This industry has proven to be very lucrative to those on social media in recent years. Likes have fueled development in the “Fly Him/Her Out Industry”, the “Nude Stock Exchange”, “The Relationship Futures Index”, and “The Warm My Bed In Winter Housing Sector”. Considering the incredible potential held in this economy it's no surprise that mainstream media and it's western backers refuse to discuss it. Stay Woke my people !!

A healthy social media account displaying a good amount of depisits

A healthy social media account displaying a good amount of depisits

But fear not, Uncle Phidza is here to help. So firstly an economy can be described as the production and consumption of goods and services (wink wink) or the management of available resources.  

In this instance you are the resource and likes are the currency. As we all know an economy has a specific amount of currency floating within it. Whenever that amount increases, we experience inflation and when the economy contracts we experience a recession.

I hope I haven't lost you so far. Now that I've explained three basic tenants let's dig deeper into the economy and it's current status.

My extensive research has shown that due to their nature women will always possess more likes in their wallets than men. Why this is nobody knows. A simple snapshot assessment of Facebook and Instagram will prove this point. Women have more liking power and they exercise it freely. Sometimes liking themselves into like debt on a few occasions. Women tend to spend their likes on other women and only reserve the most valuable of their likes for high value male commodities on the market.

A young child flaunting her waelth of Likes. These youth usually grow up to become Like Barons who horde these likes

A young child flaunting her waelth of Likes. These youth usually grow up to become Like Barons who horde these likes

Men however are extremely frugal with likes towards other men. Nobody knows why, scientists say this frugality could be closely tied to fragile masculinity, possible homophobia or maybe even self hate. Sadly the market has been shaken on several occasions with male traders being accused of “gay” spending habits. Such accusations have a chilling effect across the market and discourage other men from spending their likes on other men. Therefor women, young and old are left to enjoy the surplus likes being spent on them. Men are a simple consumer base with predictable spending patterns. Most purchases are focused in the Model / Club Promo & Bottle Service / Twerk sector. Whereas women tend to spread their likes more broadly and sporadically.

Within the like economy we also have the lurkers. Often times lurkers are a Like bankrupt breed on consumer. They usually don't display their wares and therefore receive no likes. With no likes in their accounts they often have no likes to spend and instead spend most of their time window shopping in the social media space.

As my research firm “Bata MaParts Inc” has discovered the more likes a person received the more valuable they become. As their perceived value increases potential investors may begin considering taking on this individual and adding them to their portfolio (joint account).. Most asset managers, preferably the women are staunch advocates of the one asset per portfolio plan, however a new investor has begun to emerge on the scene who is not interest in conservative forms of  joint account/portfolio investment. These adventurous ladies have taken a page from the men and have ventured into multiple portfolio fund arena, one that usually reserved for men alone.

Keep a close eye on the Like All Share Index 

Keep a close eye on the Like All Share Index 

Men on the other hand have been long time proponents of the multiple portfolio strategy - often to their own detriment. Once managing a portfolio it is encouraged that portfolio manages reign in their Like spending habits and reserve purchases for pre-approved or safe commodities. I would advise a client to not venture outside of the Church Friends, Family and Business markets. Sadly on many occasions we have seen several portfolios fall apart due to unapproved purchases in the Twerk market. Such incidences usually wreak havoc on the market as Likes are spent haphazardly immediately following the dissolving of a joint portfolio. In rare instances the like market itself experiences a contraction as goods produced by the portfolio are wiped out completely from the economy as portfolio managers look to expunge the joint venture from their social media history.

If you happen to come across a male or women commodity that you would like to spend likes on. Here are some tips ;

  1. If you see potential invest early, but invest strategically. Spread out your Like purchases. Don't burst your bank on a flurry of big spends all in one day. it will raise alarm bells and jeopardize any future of a joint venture.

  2. Once you've identified a good investment and spent your hard earned likes, try to get it off the trading floor and into a joint portfolio ASAP

  3. Once in a joint portfolio manage you like expenditure. It is better to have Likes in the bank earning interest and value, rather than spending them and disrupting the market and your mutual fund.

  4. Joint portfolios (Joint Accounts) have proven to be extremely lucrative. Collectively a joint portfolio can generate double, sometimes three times as many likes as the two members would generate as individuals. However joint portfolios are also highly volatile. If  you trading in the open market play it safe.

  5. For the more daring traders, Likes can be accumulated and used to garner interest and investment and from the illusive Blesser. Achieving a Blesser is a rare and wondrous achievement in the like economy. Much like the rare Male Feminist Unicorn. Mainly because Blessees have more than likes in their wallets.

Well this was just a short introduction into the like economy. Next week we will discuss how to handle inflation and the decreases value of likes . Invest safely


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