All tagged Electric Arena
A few months ago two brave young men embarked on a noble quest into the heart of Harare's deep and dark enclaves. This quest would have them encounter many perils, pitfalls and pestilences, but some way, somehow they pulled through and managed to survive. Their quest was of course to attend Electric Arena at the Harare Showgrounds.
Being big fans of any event that they can sneak into for free, Phil & Dan are extremely excited about the newest Electronic Dance Music festival in town, Electric Arena.
The brains behind this event is Zimbabwean EDM DJ & producer, Rob Macson (to listen to the Rob Macson episode, click here) who has called it Zimbabwe's largest indoor EDM festival. On the bill to perform are 4 international acts and 7 local acts
Hand in the air everyone, the brand new episode just dropped! Dan & Phil return to help you make sense of some crazy things, like Elon Musk and his weirdness. What's going on with TikTok? And... Young Famous and African is a lot yo. And for the nerds, an in-depth discussion on the performance of Netflix and other streaming services in 2024. Packed episode, Enjoy!